Topic: To be announced
6th International AAA Congress in Asthma, COPD and Atopic Diseases
MAY 29 – 31, 2025 , SARAJEVO
MAY 29 – 31, 2025 , SARAJEVO
Welcome Note
Dear colleagues and friends,
It is our privilege and honour to welcome you to participate in the 6th International AAA Congress in Sarajevo – May 30 – June 1 2025.
The AAA Congress brings together specialists, physicians, and healthcare professionals to share valuable scientific knowledge on asthma, allergies, atopic dermatitis and related conditions. AAA Congress has been a unique opportunity to exchange on current issues on atopic diseases, offering and outstanding scientific program, including presentations by world-renowned speakers. The 6th AAA Congress will continue its tradition of excellence and you are welcome to take part to this unique international event.
Progress happens when great minds work together to solve the toughest challenges. One of the AAA Congress’s greatest achievements is its ability to create partnerships and communities to share the updated knowledge and best world practices. Extensive efforts in innovative prevention, monitoring and immune modulation interventions together with integrative approaches are needed to circumvent the unmet needs in allergic diseases and asthma. Such innovative solutions ultimately lead to better patient outcomes, fewer hospital visits and reduced healthcare costs.
The Scientific Programme will present the best in science and educational sessions from distinguished researchers from across the globe. Covering key topics in allergic diseases and asthma, the 6th AAA Congress provides a multidisciplinary forum for allergists, pulmonologists, dermatologists, pediatricians, clinical immunologists and primary care physicians.
I look forward to welcoming participants and friends to the 4th International AAA Congress. These meetings would not be possible without your continuous endeavor for high quality learning opportunities and scientific interactions. Join AAA to celebrate innovation as the game-changing approach to the complex health, social, economic and environmental challenges that influence allergic diseases and asthma.
Yours sincerely,
Adnan Custovic DM MD PhD FRCP FMedSc
Professor of Paediatric Allergy
The Scientific Committee of the AAA Congress
The AAA Association BiH together Family Medicine Physicians Association held the first AAA Congress in June 2019. The AAA Congress gathers experts and scientists working and interested in the fields of allergy and airways diseases. Beside physicians, AAA Congress gathers patients in order to give them opportunity to acquire additional knowledge as well as possibility for interaction with specialists.
To advance the mission as a resource and advocate in the field of atopic diseases, advancing excellence in clinical care through education, research and training, the AAA theme-based Congress has been launched.
Sarajevo is very proud of its centuries-old multiculturality, which is due to the fact that Christians (Orthodox and Catholics), Muslims and Jews… have been living here with one another for ages.
This well-established coexistence in Sarajevo has led to a unique, rich and enchanting mix of cultures which acts very much like a powerful magnet, attracting visitors from all corners of the globe.
package stay, 07.06.2024. – 09.06.2024.
Prices are per room for package stay of 2 nights (7th of June till 9th of June 2024.)
All prices include:
Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in this adding value Congress! The 4th AAA Congress 2023 will welcome basic and translational scientists, pediatricians, dermatologists, pulmonologists, clinical immunologists, allergists and researchers interested in exploring the fields of atopic diseases.
Payment should be done by direct bank transfer.
Please note that bank transmission fees have to be paid by the transmitter. Bank details are as follows:
Organization: DIV MEDIA O.D.
ID broj: 4302855220009
IBAN/Account number: BA393387304815208426
Name of Bank: Unicredit Bank
Address: Trg oteškog bataljona 59, Sarajevo
Organizacija: DIV MEDIA O.D.
ID broj: 4302855220009
Bankovni račun: 3387302215107130
Naziv banke: Unicredit banka
Adresa: Trg oteškog bataljona 59, Sarajevo
A copy of the bank receipt must be scanned and sent by email with your registration email address to
Please bear in mind that an international bank transfer can take up to 5 days to reach our account. If payment is not received by the corresponding deadline (early or standard registration), the subsequent rate will automatically apply
You are invited to submit abstracts for the 5th AAA Congress to be held at Hotel Hills in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina during the period of June 7-9, 2024.
Depending on the number of submitted abstracts and their quality, the abstracts will be selected for either platform or for poster presentation.
Abstract submissions are accepted until May 10th, 2024. (11:59 PM Sarajevo time +1 GMT). Any abstract received after the deadline will not be accepted. Upon completion of the evaluation, an ‘Accepted’ or ‘Rejected’ email will be sent to each application submitted. The result of the evaluation will be sent 10 days after the deadline for submission.
Sponsorship with AAA Congress allows you to reach a niche group of physicians and researchers in one location. As a sponsor, you will enjoy enhance visibility and valuable opportunities.
Please review the wide selection of sponsorship packages and select the one that fits you. Don’t miss this valuable opportunity to set your company apart!
Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus
To secure your company participation and for more information on the congress please contact:
Phone: +387 62 725 608
prof. dr. Adnan Čustović (chair)
prof. dr. Ashley Woodcock (co-chair)
prof. dr. Mirjana Turkalj (co-chair)
Vildana Begić Mujkić